Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Commercial Landscape and Design - Studio W

Commercial Landscape Design is more then just pretty plants and flowers.

The Oklahoma Farm Bureau Project incorporated soil
from all 77 Oklahoma Counties. as well as native plants

There are many benefits to a well designed commercial landscape space.  But it first starts with choosing the right company to design your space.

Look for a company who communicates with you and can take your ideas and create a space that is not only functional, but it will add to the value of your property.  You also want to be sure they can create a space that is not only attractive, but pleasant and inviting for your clients and employees.  They should be proactive and transparent in everything they do.

A well designed area can actually attract potential customers and employees.  It says a lot about your company - like curb-appeal for a home.  It's the difference between a bad first impression by allowing your company to be run down, or a great first impression by maintaining a nicely landscaped area that is pleasing and welcoming.

A well landscaped design can also be eco-friendly and promote productivity for your employees.  By creating an area that employees can enjoy on breaks or during lunch keeps your employees nearby and lets them know you care about the environment they work in.

At night, the Farm Bureau pillars, created by Studio W are
spotlighted by warm LED up lights.
You can use your landscaping to reflect your values in the community where you live.  Whether that is native plants, or soil from the counties you serve, as seen in the Oklahoma Farm Bureau project pictured.  Your customers will know you care about the environment and the community you serve.  

For more information on Landscape Design, contact:  The Studio W at info@thestudiow.com or 405.285.5610

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